Oracle SQL Performance Tuning Tips to Bear in Mind > 고객센터

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Oracle SQL Performance Tuning Tips to Bear in Mind

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작성자 Jewell 댓글 0건 조회 4회 작성일 24-05-07 01:40


Every Oracle database admin wants its users to attain the best and hassle-free server database performance. But when that doesn't happen, it's a nightmare.

One of the finest ways to identify the root cause of slow or unresponsive systems is performance tuning. It helps one ensure that the infrastructure is capable of handling high-level loads.

If your database performance is poor, here are some essential Oracle SQL performance tuning tips to bear in mind. These tricks will also help you make maximum use of your Oracle database efforts.

1) Baselines Hold Utmost Importance in Oracle Performance Tuning

Maintaining an established performance is a key tactic that experienced database admins make use of. When you have an established baseline, you can refer to it as soon as a problem arises.

You can easily understand the capabilities of your system and set specific performance targets by identifying the peak usage periods. It is also suggested that you measure existing performance on a regular basis to attain exact expectations of how your database must run. This is extremely helpful in tuning bottlenecks that might occur in the future.

2) Use Automatic Workload Repository for Monitoring Purposes

Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) is a great Oracle database performance tuning feature. It helps to collect, process, and maintain performance statistics. With this feature, you can get a day to day glimpse into your database health which further allows you to make use of the ADDM (Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor).

The ADDM is known for offering critical insights on the information gathered by the Automatic Workload Repository feature.

Making optimal use of both the tools, not only improves your performance tuning capabilities but also helps you save time and money.

3) Keep a Regular Check on the Statistics for Optimal Performance Monitoring

Besides the above-mentioned tools, it is significant that you have a complete collection of the database, operating system, as well as applied statistics. Oracle SQL Évaluation Performance V Capsules tuning and optimization is more than just resolving performance issues, it is in fact an integral part of the whole application life cycle.

A great way to stay abreast of the tuning process is by checking your statistics regularly. The signs of poor performance are often found within the data itself. So, make sure you have to keep an eye on all of the information.

4) Ensure Excellent CPU Utilization

Sometimes, automatic performance diagnostics aren't as fruitful as you expect. In that case, you have to rely on a manual process. While examining such performance problems, it is recommended you ensure that your CPU is getting properly utilized.

Keeping a tab on CPU utilization will help you verify or confirm if there are any non-database tasks consuming the CPU on the system. A case like this can limit the overall number of CPU resources which is why you need to end those tasks as quickly as possible.

After you're done with that, you will never have a hard time handling performance issues. The entire tuning process will become simpler and bring a sense of clarity to your decision making.

5) Recognize Performance Obstacles

The following list contains some unforeseen performance inhibitors that must be avoided or removed altogether:

Row-by-row or Cursor processing

Nested views that make use of db_links

Abuse of wildcards

Parallel processing

Using functions on indexed columns

Hard-coded hints

Complicated expressions

Joining or connecting complex views

Here are some actions recommended by Oracle SQL performance tuning experts:

Instead of using literal variables, use bind variables

Make use of equijoin as much as possible

If less than 5% of data needs to be accessed, use an index

Use the WHERE clause, ALWAYS!

These tips are important to remember and apply whenever you write queries or perform Oracle SQL performance tuning, to avoid inconvenience and improve efficiency.

Tosska Technologies Limited offers smart database tuning tools that help clients to optimize the performance of their databases. We have a range of query optimization tools that neither require you to have in-depth knowledge regarding SQL tuning nor do they make you spend extra efforts to tune a database. These tools enable users to perform SQL database tuning automatically without intervening, thanks to a one-button solution that tunes a query within a fraction of a second.


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